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"Treating your total mind, body and soul as one."

Friday, May 6, 2011

Indoor Black Mold and the effect on you and your family

Commonly called mildew, molds (sometimes referred to as "black mold") are a subset of fungi that produce fluffy or powdery growth on surfaces. Toxic molds can grow on cloth, carpets, leather, wood, sheet-rock, insulation (and on human foods) when moist conditions exist.
Toxic mold on sheet-rock

Mold and mildew in the home can cause a variety of health difficulties, like allergic and irritant symptoms, flu- and cold-type symptoms, toxicity symptoms, and infections, according to BlackMold.com. BlackMold.com also states that there are 16 species of mold that are known as toxic, because they emit chemicals called mycotoxins, which are highly toxic. Essential oils are used for their aromatic and medicinal qualities. There are several essential oils that you can utilize when trying to kill mold.
Molds are ubiquitous, the most common form of fungus on earth, and may grow at high levels indoors, in a home or building, if the right environmental conditions exist. Factors that influence the distribution of molds are most importantly a source of moisture, proper nutrients, temperature, and light.
Toxic Black Mold
Carbon containing materials that are abundant both indoors and outdoors may provide the essential nutrients for growth. Sources of moisture, which are usually the limiting and most important factor. They can come from high humidity levels, condensation, and water intrusion due to a number of events such as indoor leaks and floods. Temperature and light may affect fungal growth, but are usually not a limiting factor since most fungi can grow in light and total darkness.

Excessive exposure to molds can lead to adverse health issues for humans. The affects of human exposure to mold is not a new, emerging problem but has been manifested for many years.
    As much as fungi and molds are everywhere and an essential part of the ecological system, having them in your house is gross and unhealthy. Certain types of fungi can release mycotoxins into the air causing mild to severe reactions, especially in children or anyone with a compromised immune system.
    Check with your health-care provider if you suspect your child is having a reaction to something. Some of the more common effects of black mold are:
Black mold inside a bathroom window
Allergic Effects
    Allergic reactions to household fungi include symptoms commonly associated with allergies, such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose and post-nasal drip. These are the same allergic reactions to pet dander and outdoor sources. Take note of where you or your child is and what he is coming into contact with when the symptoms appear.
Toxic Effects
    Stachybotrys is colloquially referred to as "black mold" or "toxic mold." The mycotoxins produced by certain fungi may cause toxic effects when inhaled or absorbed by the body. A 2003 article, "Stachybotrys chartarum: cause of human disease or media darling?" published in "Medical Mycology," suggests that the link between stachybotrys and neurological problems is not well-supported and remains controversial while a study conducted at Brown University in 2007 claims to have found a possible link between household mold and depression.
Irritant Effects
    Some irritant effects from inhalation of what are called microbial volatile organic compounds or MVOC, can lead to irritation and inflammation of the body's air passages. According to a report from the New York Health Department, the levels of MVOCs and fungal glucans indoors are usually low and not enough to cause health problems.
Hypersensitivity Effects
    A study conducted in Boston examined in-home high-fungal concentrations and the possible link to childhood asthma and allergic rhinitis in the first five years of life. Another study published in the February 2009 "Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology" journal suggested that some levels of dust and fungal glucans may help children avoid asthma and other allergies, saying that smoking around children was more likely to cause childhood asthma.
This is what we do in my home. I have a Anti-Bac/Viral blend that I dilute in a solution of water/vinegar (50/50), then I add 15-20 drops of the blend shake well and treat the area of mold, allow it to air dry. Sometimes when you treat an area you can actually watch as the mold disappears. I use this to treat small areas, windows, floor boards and the like. I strongly encourage you if you have a big mold problem please please please consult a professional, black mold is a serious problem and can be a serious hazard to you and your family's health

Tea Tree Essential Oil
    Tea tree oil (botanical name: melaleuca alternifolia) is a highly medicinal essential oil with a wide range of uses. You can dilute this essential oil with water (1 tsp. in 2 cups of water), and use a spray bottle to apply it to affected areas. Tea tree oil has a strong odor, but it subsides within a couple days.

Grapefruit Essential Oil

    Grapefruit seed oil has a high citric acid content that is aggressive against mold spores. Placing 20 drops inside of 2 cups of water makes an essentially odorless alternative for killing mold in the home. You can use it as a spray to saturate the mold; wipe it off after you allow the solution some time to dry.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

This medicinal essential oil has a fresh aroma and also has many uses. When using eucalyptus to defeat mold, you should pair it with methylated spirits (a mixture that is 95 percent ethyl alcohol and 5 percent methyl alcohol). Place 1 tbsp. of each in 2 cups of water to make a solution for mold. You can spray the solution on the mold, and leave it to dry.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Relief from sleepless nights with baby

I will not sleep, I will not sleep
How many nights have we as parents sat up in the wee hours of the morning, or in the middle of the night wondering what's wrong with my child why won't he stop crying. I've done everything I can think of he doesn't want the binky, the butt is clean and dry, the tummy is full, burpies are out, but still the little love of my life is screaming at the top of his lungs. You just know “the you are an awful parent patrol“ is going to break down your door any second and take said screaming child while giving us the epic fail award. I've been there more times than I care to remember each of my boys, fortunately the “you are an awful parent patrol“ never came and eventually we both were able to sleep for me it was
Baby finally sleep
in just enough time for me to have to wake up to get older children off to school, then back to bed to try to catch a quick nap before baby.....yep you guessed it baby wakes and the whole process starts all over again.

Lets take a look at what aromatherapy using essential oils to help parent and baby find a way to relax so everyone can sleep. A friend of mine who has the most darling baby girl says in her blog the first thing we need to remember to do is just breath. While we are breathing why not have a calming and relaxing essential oil to help.

Aromatherapy essential oils blends stimulates your olfactory nerves which send a signal to your brain's neuro-receptors, triggering numerous electro-chemical responses for promoting relaxation and sleep. Here are a few choices for accomplishing this task:

  • Put a couple drops of an essential oil on a tissue for inhalation  (place tissue under baby's crib sheet in a corner so he can inhale it in his sleep and parents don't loose sleep worrying about a chocking hazard or baby suffocating)
    Crying together won't help
  • Use a Diffuser to disperse the scent and get everyone in the room at the same time.
  • Dilute essential oil in a carrier oil (ie olive, grapeseed, or jojoba) and give baby a massage. (This also promotes bonding and trust)
  • Remember to try to stay calm, can feel and will respond to your stress level. So the more wound up you are the more your baby will respond in kind.
Lastly remember you are not the only one with a baby that won't start crying and never stop. There are support groups in the real world and online where you can get good information from parents who have been there and ones that are going through just like you. If you need help, have questions, or just need someone to vent to, DO IT. This is not one of those task where we say oh I can handle this on my own, we ALL have our breaking point and at some point need help. Help is there for the asking you just have to find an avenue that works for you and your lifestyle.

Celestial Aromatherapy offers a line of baby product designed to help baby relax, while treating there delicate skin. We also offer adult products, diffuser oils and more check up out at www.camassage05.com

Friday, April 8, 2011

Five uncommon essential oils to help relieve stress Pt.1 of 5

candle diffuser scent is dispersed through area

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice which uses the essential oils extracted from plants to treat and heal imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit, and to improve health.  Aromatherapy is actually a form of herbal medicine, but instead of using the entire herb, aromatherapy uses the fragrance and essence of the herb when it's compressed.  Inhaling the scents of these essential oils is said to interact with your brain to cause a strong positive impact on your mood.

There are many different ways to experience the benefits off essential oils,  below are a few of our favorites.
  • Mix 2-4 drops of essential oil in a vaporizer or potpourri simmering pot.
  • Electric Difusser
    Place one drop of essential oil onto a tissue and inhale.
  • Mix 2-4 drops of essential oil with 3 tablespoons carrier oil . Massage into neck and shoulders to help soothe chronic stress.
  • Mix 2-4 drops essential oil to bath to help calm nerves.
  •  Dilute 2-4 drops essential oil with 3 tablespoons carrier oil, Massage gently into the abdomen to relieve stress and soothe anxiety.
  • Mix 2-4 drops essential oil with four teaspoons of carrier oil and massage into the body to  soothe emotional stress.
  • Mix 2-4 drops essential oil combine with four teaspoons of carrier. Massage gently into the neck and shoulders to overcome panic and stress.
Fresh Thyme prior to distillation
into Essential Oil
We are looking at  Thyme Essential Oil, a common herb and is generally used as a condiment or spice. Besides that, thyme is also used in herbal and domestic medicines. Thyme is botanically known as Thymus Vulgaris. The medicinal properties of thyme come mainly from its essential oil which is extracted through steam distillation of fresh flowers and leaves.

Thyme essential oil - is well known as being antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and insecticide. This is a very potent oil, one of the strongest antiseptics and toxicity is possible with prolonged use. Not to be used in cases of high blood pressure nor in pregnancy. Revives feelings of exhaustion and combats depression.

Dry Thyme use for culinary purposes

Cautions - Not to be used in cases of high blood pressure nor in pregnancy. Use sparingly. Do not make a habit of using thyme. Avoid therapeutic doses of thyme and thyme oil in any form during pregnancy because the herb is a uterine stimulant. Thyme oil can irritate mucous membranes. Always dilute it well if used. Excessive internal use of thyme can lead to symptoms of poisoning and to over stimulation of the thyroid gland. Use caution.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Celestial Aromatherapy Lip Balm

Grape Lip Balm (new packaging)

Celestial Aromatherapy's Lip Balms are made from the best ingredients. We combine Jojoba, Grapeseed, Olive oil, Beeswax, Shea Butter, and Vitamin E for our base and then add either 100% therapeutic grade essential oils, or flavor oils to produce a lip balm that works. Our products contain none of the chemicals that can cause your lips to dry, so you HAVE to use more.
 We hope you enjoy using our Lip Balm as much as we enjoy making them.
     * Made Fresh
    * Over 20 Flavors!
    * Long Lasting
    * Nourishing
    * Fast Acting! 

This lip balm penetrates deep, is long lasting, and fast acting. It is a bit softer than most store bought balms, but it will not melt in your pocket.

These have a soft and subtle flavor/scent and are not as sweet as store bought balms due to the natural sweetener and flavors. These are 100% theraputic essential oils and most of the flavor is in the scent, but it does leave a enough of a flavor behind to tease your tounge.

Try it, guaranteed you will be hooked !!!!!!

Since you are receiving a fresh made product, please allow 2-5 business days for your package to ship (large orders may take a little longer).

Monday, February 22, 2010

March Madness Newsletter

We have just rolled out for the new year our Lip Balm of the month club.
Become a member of our FLAVORED LIP BALM OF THE MONTH CLUB! It's a fantastic way to have fresh great tasting lip balm, that works to relieve dry chapped lips delivered right to your door every month.This makes the perfect gift for the lip balm-lover. Just supply the address(s) of you or your friend/relative whom you'd like the lip balms delivered, and we'll do the rest.
Read More

Not sure what the perfect gift is?

Get them a gift package. (we are adding more daily) Our gift package are all one of a kind but, they all contain our wonderful product along with all the trimmings. Gift package are wrapped and ready to give. The best part is we do the work for you, just provide the recipients address and we will ship directly to them, and you get the credit.
Read more....

Protect babies skin naturally...

Babies identify the world around them using smell. Smell is one of the fastest ways in which essential oils access the body. Aromatherapy can help with baby health problems such as colic, crying, cradle cap, teething, colds, earache, eczema and anxiety. Essential oils should be administered via a carrier to assure oil will not harm baby. The essential oil in our product is already measured to be safe for baby.
Most babies end up with a diaper rash at least once before their diaper days are gone. Our Diaper Rash Cream is perfect for making sure that your baby's most delicate skin is protected. Our Baby Wash/Shampoo and Baby Conditioner are designed to clean babies hair and body without striping all the natural oils from babies skin.

We hope that you like the scents of our baby products but more than that, we know that your baby will not be assaulted by too much smell and, more important than that, we know that your baby will not be exposed to too high a concentration of essential oils. The well-being of little ones is what matters. And less is more as far as babies are concerned. Read More...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Aromatherapy and Depression

Aromatherapy can be particularly effective in dealing with stress, depression and stress related disorders. 'Depression' is a term which encompasses a wide spectrum of psychic problems and symptoms which, in turn, can lead to more serious illnesses. Aromatherapy, can help to relax and reduce stress, and can actually help to prevent some conditions. Depression related disorders, such as digestive problems, stress and other mental problems, can be treated by Aromatherapy. As depression is reduced, there is a corresponding improvement in sleep patterns and energy levels.

Aromatherapy is an alternative treatment that uses the highly concentrated essential oils that are extracted from plants to treat some symptoms and assist in the healing process.
Aromatherapy can help in mild forms of depression. It may ease mental fatigue and help with sleep. Essential oils can help to lighten and uplift ones mood. Just the right blend applied in massages, baths, diffusers and personal perfumes can all be helpful at such times. However, if you, or someone you know, are severely depressed, additional support and therapy may be necessary. Aromatherapy is more effective when used as a Complementary therapy, assisting other therapies.

Those who are suffering from depression may feel mentally and emotionally immobilized. It can be difficult to make even small changes that may bring some relief. While aromatherapy will not "cure" depression, using essential oils known to be emotionally uplifting may affect the brain and endocrine system in ways that help relieve tension, stress, and anxiety and promote a general sense of wellness.

Check out all our products at www.camassage05.com

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is Aromatherapy

Welcome to Adventures with Celestial Aromatherapy, throughout this blog we will discuss the in and outs of aromatherapy and how it can work to help bring about health and healing in the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.

We love everything about aromatherapy, the individual smells and blended scents. It is amazing to think that the use of aromatherapy goes back centuries, which we will also go into. Something that is very important to remember is that aromatherapy as talked about in our blog is intended to be used externally ONLY.

There are many different definitions of aromatherapy, but first lets look at the word aromatherapy. Aromatherapy comes from the french word aromatherapie which was first created by a french chemist named Gattefosse in the early 1930's
.  Aromatherapy translated "the use of aromas for their healing properties". Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils to promote the health and vitality of the body, mind, and spirit.

There are several different ways to use aromatherapy for health and healing, inhalation, baths, compresses, topical application and full-body massage. It is important to remember that aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils to promote health and healing.

Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils. What are essential oils they are aromatic material that evaporates readily, found in plants and extracted by distillation. It does not feel oily or leave an oily residue.

One of the way I like to get to know my essential oils is through the use of diffuser oils. Diffusion is the process of dispersing essential oils so that their aroma fills a room or an area with the natural fragrance. From the simple to the elaborate, many different methods exist for diffusing oils into a room.  There are numerous diffusers and diffusing devices available for purchase from aromatherapy vendors. For blends that you can try once you have your diffuser, be sure to visit the Diffuser Blends page.

I hope this provides a little more information for you on aromatherapy and how it works. Be sure to check out our website www.camassage05.com for more information on Aromatherapy using essential oils.

Until next time