Celestial Aromatherapy Logo

Celestial Aromatherapy Logo
"Treating your total mind, body and soul as one."

Aromatherapy Consultation

Aromatherapy Consultation similar to a consultation with an Herbalist, an Aromatherapist can provide you with a wide range of essential oil options for self care. Combined with proper diet, water, exercise, and a positive attitude, essential oils offer you safe and effective alternative to many over the counter remedies.   
 We will meet or talk on the phone about your life in general, this will help me fully understand what your needs are. Then we work together to create a blend that will be pleasant to the senses.  The finished product will be blended into either a carrier oil, base cream, diffuser oil,  soap,  to suit your needs. You will also have written suggestion on the use of your blend.  Sessions either by appointment at my office, or over the phone. One hour session $65.00 which includes your custom 5 mil blend, either a carrier oil, base cream, diffuser oil,or soap, to suit your needs.  Products can be shipped to you direct.

Are we right for each other?
Choosing a practitioner that is right for you should be an easy task. I'll limit the mumbo jumbo, the marketing hype, and the flowery words and get to the point. What my clients say they appreciate about a session with me is this. I bring it all together for them. My detective skills (intuition), training as a body worker, and wide knowledge of essential oils, help get to the underlying cause quickly.
With 15+ years of my own healing journey - I bring a balanced approach. I've learned a lot along the way. What is the secret to healing? Meeting you where you are. What does that mean? That we want to start with what ever tools, information, service you can relate to, and then gently move up from there. Your vibration, energy, or thoughts about this approach will hopefully align, accept, integrate into your life then, when you feel safe and understand what you receiving. I will be there one step ahead of you, gently encouraging you forward.

I try to keep things simple, practical and affordable. I've learned the simple things are best. Breathe deeply, stretch, move, drink water, eat real food - slowly and consciously, be grateful, find beauty..... these things are just as healing as any therapist!! You really can make a difference in your health.