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"Treating your total mind, body and soul as one."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Relief from sleepless nights with baby

I will not sleep, I will not sleep
How many nights have we as parents sat up in the wee hours of the morning, or in the middle of the night wondering what's wrong with my child why won't he stop crying. I've done everything I can think of he doesn't want the binky, the butt is clean and dry, the tummy is full, burpies are out, but still the little love of my life is screaming at the top of his lungs. You just know “the you are an awful parent patrol“ is going to break down your door any second and take said screaming child while giving us the epic fail award. I've been there more times than I care to remember each of my boys, fortunately the “you are an awful parent patrol“ never came and eventually we both were able to sleep for me it was
Baby finally sleep
in just enough time for me to have to wake up to get older children off to school, then back to bed to try to catch a quick nap before baby.....yep you guessed it baby wakes and the whole process starts all over again.

Lets take a look at what aromatherapy using essential oils to help parent and baby find a way to relax so everyone can sleep. A friend of mine who has the most darling baby girl says in her blog the first thing we need to remember to do is just breath. While we are breathing why not have a calming and relaxing essential oil to help.

Aromatherapy essential oils blends stimulates your olfactory nerves which send a signal to your brain's neuro-receptors, triggering numerous electro-chemical responses for promoting relaxation and sleep. Here are a few choices for accomplishing this task:

  • Put a couple drops of an essential oil on a tissue for inhalation  (place tissue under baby's crib sheet in a corner so he can inhale it in his sleep and parents don't loose sleep worrying about a chocking hazard or baby suffocating)
    Crying together won't help
  • Use a Diffuser to disperse the scent and get everyone in the room at the same time.
  • Dilute essential oil in a carrier oil (ie olive, grapeseed, or jojoba) and give baby a massage. (This also promotes bonding and trust)
  • Remember to try to stay calm, can feel and will respond to your stress level. So the more wound up you are the more your baby will respond in kind.
Lastly remember you are not the only one with a baby that won't start crying and never stop. There are support groups in the real world and online where you can get good information from parents who have been there and ones that are going through just like you. If you need help, have questions, or just need someone to vent to, DO IT. This is not one of those task where we say oh I can handle this on my own, we ALL have our breaking point and at some point need help. Help is there for the asking you just have to find an avenue that works for you and your lifestyle.

Celestial Aromatherapy offers a line of baby product designed to help baby relax, while treating there delicate skin. We also offer adult products, diffuser oils and more check up out at www.camassage05.com

Friday, April 8, 2011

Five uncommon essential oils to help relieve stress Pt.1 of 5

candle diffuser scent is dispersed through area

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice which uses the essential oils extracted from plants to treat and heal imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit, and to improve health.  Aromatherapy is actually a form of herbal medicine, but instead of using the entire herb, aromatherapy uses the fragrance and essence of the herb when it's compressed.  Inhaling the scents of these essential oils is said to interact with your brain to cause a strong positive impact on your mood.

There are many different ways to experience the benefits off essential oils,  below are a few of our favorites.
  • Mix 2-4 drops of essential oil in a vaporizer or potpourri simmering pot.
  • Electric Difusser
    Place one drop of essential oil onto a tissue and inhale.
  • Mix 2-4 drops of essential oil with 3 tablespoons carrier oil . Massage into neck and shoulders to help soothe chronic stress.
  • Mix 2-4 drops essential oil to bath to help calm nerves.
  •  Dilute 2-4 drops essential oil with 3 tablespoons carrier oil, Massage gently into the abdomen to relieve stress and soothe anxiety.
  • Mix 2-4 drops essential oil with four teaspoons of carrier oil and massage into the body to  soothe emotional stress.
  • Mix 2-4 drops essential oil combine with four teaspoons of carrier. Massage gently into the neck and shoulders to overcome panic and stress.
Fresh Thyme prior to distillation
into Essential Oil
We are looking at  Thyme Essential Oil, a common herb and is generally used as a condiment or spice. Besides that, thyme is also used in herbal and domestic medicines. Thyme is botanically known as Thymus Vulgaris. The medicinal properties of thyme come mainly from its essential oil which is extracted through steam distillation of fresh flowers and leaves.

Thyme essential oil - is well known as being antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and insecticide. This is a very potent oil, one of the strongest antiseptics and toxicity is possible with prolonged use. Not to be used in cases of high blood pressure nor in pregnancy. Revives feelings of exhaustion and combats depression.

Dry Thyme use for culinary purposes

Cautions - Not to be used in cases of high blood pressure nor in pregnancy. Use sparingly. Do not make a habit of using thyme. Avoid therapeutic doses of thyme and thyme oil in any form during pregnancy because the herb is a uterine stimulant. Thyme oil can irritate mucous membranes. Always dilute it well if used. Excessive internal use of thyme can lead to symptoms of poisoning and to over stimulation of the thyroid gland. Use caution.